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After categorizing, let's dive deep into the optional applications

Keep The Ball

A real-time game, where you have to keep the ball on the screen. We drop it, you balance it with lines/curves/coils.

Tranquility, Leisure


Those math classes drives you nuts?

Draw a shape to question how many other shapes can be blocked within.
We will draws the answers projected inside the drawn  shape.

5cm diameter circle? EASY!



Let's fill the surface together with mirroring.

Just draw your curve, we will mirror - and you can benefit in creating new patterns quickly!

Design, Leisure

Complete Shapes

Have an idea in mind? Let's investigate

Just draw your curve, we will mirror - and you can benefit in learning the result!

Education, Design


Psssst... Someone told us a secret, that doctors give apps as medications.Leave that aside and use our Physiotherapy app to train your hand muscles*.



* The writer is not a doctor, nor this is a medical recommendation.

Tranquility, Medical


You start, we follow. As easy as that,Use this app in order to generate simple linear based textures.

Tranquility, Design

Pet A Pet**

Use both hands to pile sand.By the size and shape, we will match the perfect animal for you to pet!** This application contains a relaxing anti-anxiety profile

Tranquility, Leisure, Medical, Psychological

Path Finder

2D or 3D, pile, remove or draw - we will generate you as many paths as you like between your drawn objects.

Tranquility, Education

My Diet

Let us help you design your meal.Surprising or not, just draw us the ingredients you have and we will output you a great meal!


Chatty Time!

Scribble some words, and let us surprise you with a conversation or a short related animation.



We offer many arcade style games- from "snake" to "ball keeper" Just choose the app, draw your 2D lines, and we will generate you a game for us to play!

Tranquility, Leisure

The Valley

Topographical studies? wondering about history?With the use of your self made 3D sand-pile we will expose you to the historical changes in some of the prettiest valleys.From nature - to cities.

Education, Design, Architecture, Leisure


Poke the sand using 1 finger.By the depth of your hole, we will generate a hill or a pit.

Tranquility, Leisure

Memory Games

With age, we deserve some games to oil our joints.Introducing this app, you only need to choose, we will start the option for you to solve. From Memory cards to shapes and mazes.

Education, Leisure


2D or 3D, pile, remove or draw - we will generate you a grid or a topographical sketch - try this app!

Education, Design, Architecture, Leisure


Emotional Share

Let your feelings out on the sand!We will quickly analyze* it and suggest you with a relevant answer.* The movement, time, analysis information is not shared with any 3rd side.

Tranquility, Leisure, Medical, Psychological

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