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Chatty Time!

Scribble some words, and let us surprise you with a conversation or a short related animation


Psssst... Someone told us a secret, that doctors give apps as medications.Leave that aside and use our Physiotherapy app to train your hand muscles*.

* The writer is not a doctor, nor this is a medical recommendation.

Pet A Pet**

Use both hands to pile sand.By the size and shape, we will match the perfect animal for you to pet!

** This application contains a relaxing anti-anxiety profile.


You start, we follow. As easy as that,Use this app in order to generate simple linear based textures.


Sand topographical changes can be easy to make. Together with RAM, you can learn and experience the effects of the changes you've made on the plain surface..

X | O

Let us play a game together

Shape Education

Supporting education. Help the users learn about blocking shapes inside shapes

Topograpic Games

Topographic changes that are reflecting how objects, balls will work on the new surfaced interact in real-time.

Using Mobile Phones

"Let's Take A Break from your phone.

To Explore"

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